With as little as $500, account holders can invest in an Omaha FCU Share Certificate and maximize their earnings. Terms from 6 to 60 months are available. Call or text 402.399.9001 or stop by n for more information or to open up your Share Certificate.
- Terms are available for 6-60 months.
- Share Certificates have a 90-day loss of dividends, whether they are earned or not, for early -withdrawals.
- Check for current rates by calling 402.399.9001 or 800.660.7350, or click here.

Truth In Savings Account Disclosure
If you have any questions or need current rate information on your accounts, please call or text 402.399.9001 or 800.660.7350. Rates are subject to change. Omaha FCU is federally-insured by the National Credit Union Administration.